Lawn Disease Treatment in Independence, MO


We offer a Lawn Disease control service IN and around Lee’s summit, Independence, and Blue Springs, MO


Lawn diseases can leave your grass with some pretty serious damage, especially when left to their own devices. If your lawn has a fungal infection, we can help! Our team at Royal Lawn Service offers highly effective curative treatments against common lawn diseases in our area, like brown patch, dollar spot, red thread, fairy ring, and more. Our treatments can only get rid of the infection from your grass, but they cannot reverse any damage it already sustained. Fortunately, we can help nurse it back to health and build up its resistance to stressors in the future via our lawn care services, including fertilization and aeration.

Our lawn disease control service is available to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Lee's Summit, Independence, Blue Springs, MO, and nearby areas. You can reach us at (816) 550-0750 to schedule!

We Offer Curative Lawn Disease Control Treatments to Eliminate Problematic Fungal Diseases From Your Turf

Lawn diseases can cause significant damage to your lawn, and with all the effort you've put into improving its health, we understand that these problems are the last thing you want to see! Fortunately, our crew at Royal Lawn Service offers curative lawn disease control treatments to effectively eliminate various fungal diseases from your turf. These treatments will clear the fungus that is impacting the health and appearance of your grass and stop it from causing any more stress.

Our lawn disease control service is backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

What Lawn Diseases Do Our Treatments Target?

Our team has been caring for lawns since 2006, and we have encountered various lawn diseases ever since. Don't worry—our lawn disease control service has proven effective in targeting various fungal infections, such as:

Brown Patch: Lawns infected with this disease will have circular or irregularly shaped patches of brown or tan grass.

Dollar Spot: This disease can be distinguished by the little circular spots on your grass blades around the size of dollar coins.

Red Thread: If your lawn has red or pink patches, it is likely suffering from red thread.

Fairy Ring: Fairy ring causes dark green rings of grass, and usually, the area inside or outside the ring will be dead. Sometimes, these rings can also have mushrooms.

We Offer Lawn Care Services to Help Your Grass Recover From Damage and Fight off Future Diseases

Our curative treatments will only eliminate the disease affecting your lawn, but any damage it has already sustained will not be undone. Fortunately, we provide lawn care services that you can take advantage of to help your turf recover from stress. Our team offers fertilization treatments to strengthen your grass and nurse it back to health, and an aeration service to ensure its roots can access much-needed nutrients. These services will not only help your lawn recover but also withstand any future infections!

Call Us Today to Schedule Our Lawn Disease Control Service

If you want to keep your lawn in excellent health throughout the year, you need to keep it free of lawn diseases. Here at Royal Lawn Service, we offer a top-notch lawn disease control service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Lee's Summit, Independence, Blue Springs, MO, and nearby areas. Our team wants your grass to thrive, and we will help make it happen. Give us a call today at (816) 550-0750 to schedule our lawn disease control treatments.