Winterizing Sprinkler System Service in Independence, MO


Winterizing Sprinkler System Service in Lee’s Summit, MO & Nearby Cities like Independence & Blue Springs


Your irrigation system delivers water to your grass and plants throughout the growing season to ensure they stay well-hydrated. During the winter, however, your system needs to be shut down so that it doesn't sustain damage from the cold weather. That's why we're here. At Royal Lawn Service, we provide our professional irrigation winterization service to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Lee's Summit, MO, and nearby cities like Independence and Blue Springs. We offer this service annually in November and December and follow a proven process to ensure your irrigation system is well-positioned to withstand the winter. We also offer an irrigation startup service in the spring to bring your system back online for the growing season. Don't wait until it's too late. Call us today at (816) 550-0750 to sign up for our irrigation winterization service!

Our Irrigation Winterization Process

The purpose of our irrigation winterization service is to shut down your irrigation system for the winter so that it does not sustain damage when the cold weather arrives. To fulfill this purpose, we follow a proven process to winterize your irrigation system. First, we shut off the water supply so that no more water enters your system. Then, we blow out your pipes using compressed air to ensure there is no water remaining in your water lines. It is critical to dry out your irrigation system completely so that your pipes do not freeze and crack in frigid temperatures. Additionally, we insulate your system so that it has a layer of protection from the cold. Overall, our irrigation winterization process positions your irrigation system to make it through the winter safely intact.

We back our irrigation winterization service with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

When Do We Offer Our Irrigation Winterization Service?

It is critical to shut down your irrigation system before freezing temperatures prevail in Lee's Summit, MO, and nearby areas. That's why we offer our winterization service annually in November and December. Shutting down your irrigation system in the late fall will help it stay a step ahead of the winter weather and prepare it for the harsh conditions it will face. Although we don't start offering this service until November, we recommend signing up well in advance to secure your spot on our schedule.


Not only do we winterize irrigation systems, but we also bring them back online in the spring with our irrigation startup service. We perform our irrigation startups annually in March so that your system can start delivering water to your grass and plants in time to kick off the new growing season. When you sign up for our spring startup service, we will turn your water supply back on and run your system to ensure it is working correctly. If we spot any issues during our inspection, we'll bring them to your attention and let you know how we can fix them.

We can test your backflow prevention device in conjunction with our irrigation startup service to verify that it is doing its job properly.

Call Today to Schedule Our Irrigation Winterization Service!

Do you want to make sure that your irrigation system is set up for success this winter? If so, we're here to help. At Royal Lawn Service, we offer our professional irrigation winterization service to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Lee's Summit, Independence, Blue Springs, and nearby cities in Missouri. Our team winterizes irrigation systems annually in November and December, but we recommend securing your spot on our schedule well in advance. If you're ready to sign up, call us today at (816) 550-0750!